Should Students Be Required to Wear Masks to School in the Fall?

State Departments of Education Drafting Fall Protocols for Schools When school resumes in the Fall, do you want your kids wearing masks all day in class? If you answered "yes," this post is not for you. Move on. This post is for patriots who understand the mandating of masks is a tyrannical move that violates our freedom. Many state departments of education are in the process of drafting return-to-school protocols, where mandatory mask-wearing will be required for teachers, faculty, and students. Since nothing is written in stone, especially as we wait to see how re-opening the country will unfold, now is the time to speak up in protest. This is so wrong! (Getty Images) Here's How You Can Take Action Against Mandatory Student Mask-Wearing There are a few things you can do to make your voice heard: Local districts may be granted flexibility from your state, so contact your superintendents and school board members . Simply Google "(Name o...