Finding the Positives of Social Distancing Due to Coronavirus

Americans are a busy people. We have places to go, things to do, and people to see. The Coronavirus has brought all of that to a screeching halt. We can dwell on what we're missing out on, or we can seek a silver lining. The Bible says in Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. That's good news! Even when bad things happen, God can make something good come out of it! While we shouldn't minimize the brevity of a global pandemic and its fallout--sickness, economic hardship, finding childcare with schools closed, and foraging for toilet paper--we can find creative ways to make the best of a bad situation. People Get a Taste of What Socialism is Like Grocery lists are now wish lists. Items we take for granted to always be on the shelves are missing. Bread, canned fruit, rice, beans, eggs, meat--all of the necessary staples--are gone or in minimal quantit...